Creative 420

ab kya describe kare sahab.. aap khudahi jaan lo.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I yearn for you!!

Eehhhmmmm.. I yearn for sleep yaar.. a good eight hour sleep. I really can’t remember the day when I slept for more than eight hours.. I mean I don’t know.. none of the creative people that I know have regular sleeping hours.. is that making us more creative? Think twice all you creatives.

I mean I used to sleep at normal times and all before getting into the creative world.. but ever since I am in it.. the graphic imagination has just multiplied.. and my fellow creatives share the same feeling too.. I have become a lot more instinctive these days.. and have to kill the same many times.. ‘coz many can’t really handle the pace.

I think life’s turning into tri lane now.. Things I want to do.. Things that I need to do.. Things that I should do to make few people happy.. The sense of liberty is not coming out.. I can’t fly.. but I want to.. I can’t stay under water like fishes do.. but I want to.. given that I am not caught in a net and served to you guys..

Patagonia calls me.. it tells me to not to come alone.. come with pride.. come happy.. come with learnings.. come expecting to find Nirvana. Then giza.. vladivostok.. malmo.. Darwin.. and jeaunea call too.. wanna be a traveller..

See how does it change? I start with my yearning to sleep.. but end up tell more about my other desires.. he he.. Good
Damn.. this is heavy.. PERIOD


Blogger Aalekh said...

im sure you can fly, try jumping form the top floor and you will figure it out

12:57 PM  

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